How it Works

Z-NET actions

This figure is from Z-NET Blueprint, Business Case and Uralla Case Study, and shows the phase of moving to 100% renewable energy. COREM is bringing together each of these phases simultaneously.

Use Less Energy

Yep, it’s that easy. Just use energy more efficiently, save money and reduce your greenhouse impact.

On-site Renewable Energy

COREM is organising the funding and installation of smaller solar PV systems on community buildings (through donations to our Revolving Community Energy Fund) and larger PV systems (through investments), and is planning solar bulk-buy packages for households.

A tax deductible donation to our Revolving Community Energy Fund will enable us to install solar PV locally. The PV system not only addresses climate change but money generated from this renewable electricity also supports local community groups and is returned to COREM to be used again in our Revolving Community Energy Fund. A truly sustainable solution for people and the planet.

It works like this –

  • You help COREM to install solar PV on local community buildings.
  • Savings in electricity bills are split between COREM’s Revolving Community Energy Fund and the community group(s).
  • The Revolving Community Energy Fund invests in more local solar PV partnerships… and the cycle starts again

If you want to make a tax deductible donation – go here!

We have now completed 11 community projects! More details on these projects can be found here.

This proven model is being successfully rolled out across Australia by several Community-Owned Renewable Energy Groups.  Donate now to become a part of the community power movement to decarbonise, democratrise and decentralise our electricity network!

An explanation of how solar PV offsets emissions can be found here.

If you have a project in mind, nominate it here!

Import Renewable Energy

GreenPower is independently accredited renewable energy. It does cost a bit more, but at least you know your electricity is 100% renewable! More on GreenPower can be found here.

Generate Renewable Energy Nearby

This is generally larger-scale projects, which for example, could include the Laverty’s Gap hydro scheme.